Sunday, June 14, 2009

NeW DeSigN.....=)

pInKy BubBle.....
..nice to wear sweet!!
..suitable for any occasion...

RM 60 (A) [including shipping]
RM 65 (D) [including shipping] SOLD

GreY ABstrAcT with BlaCk CotTon Awning.....
..nice to wear it...
so cute...suitable for any occasion

RM 60 (A) [including shipping] SOLD
RM 65 (D) [including shipping]

BroWniSh sQuarE....
..nice to wear it...
so cute...suitable for any occasion

RM 60 (A) [including shipping]
RM 70 (D) [including shipping] 1 SOLD,1 BOOKED

FlOrAL Red.....
..nice to wear it...
look stylish n elegant...suitable for any occasion

RM 60 (A) [including shipping] SOLD
RM 65 (D) [including shipping]

RoSsY BrOwN.....
..looks so nice...
elegant...suitable for any occasion

RM 55 (A) [including shipping] 2 SOLD,1 avAilAble
RM 60 (D) [including shipping] 1 Available

pLaiN bLaCk with AbStraCt aWnInG.....
..nice to wear it...
simple n cute...
can wear it anytime..

RM 45 (A) [including shipping] SOLD
RM 50 (D) [including shipping]